Accelerating Sales & Adding Value
The auction method, whether it’s sealed bid, simulcast or online, creates clear advantages for both sellers and buyers. Often the sale of real estate and farmland is a once-in-a-lifetime transaction for all parties involved and utilizing a professional auction company sets the expectation for a definitive sale date, clear terms and conditions, and certainty for family members, business partners or the executor or executrix of an estate.
Why Sellers & Buyers Prefer Auctions vs. Listing Sales
Just as every property and farms sold at auction are unique, the reasons family members may choose to sell their inherited farmland or real estate trust also carry a variety of reasons and variables.
Financial Incentives
Often when there are several family members involved, each may have a different financial position. The Auction method provides a clear way to fairly sell and divide property that maximizes value to the seller. On the buyer side, they get a real time response to their bid and go into auction day knowing the terms of the sale.
Timing & Clear Ways Forward.
When we sit down with the owners of farms or investment real estate, our professional auctioneer team provides a clear timeline for marketing, sale date and closing the transaction. Many families prefer this clarity upfront and knowing that on a certain date a sale will occur and they will be paid. We believe in laying out the expectations of all members of the selling side should be part of the very first conversation. This is one of the best benefits to any seller at auction.
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